Infinite Places seeks to develop co-operative housing; collectively owned, controlled and governed by tenant-members.
Our development will include shared communal spaces and multipurpose work space, as well as private living spaces, offering a social alternative to personal home ownership and ‘traditional’ living arrangements that cater only to discrete ‘nuclear’ family units. We believe that pooling resources and household amenities works against the precariousness and disempowerment we have experienced as isolated private renters.
Our vision is to create a space that remains in the control of our community as it evolves and changes over the years. The land that we use will be effectively locked out of the destructive landscape of property speculation, and instead maintained as a permanent social asset. We believe that autonomy over our housing and environment can help to break down financial and social divides, reduce our environmental impact on the city, as well as tackle states of insecurity, loneliness and depression.